
Slicker integrates with Recurly via an API key. Creating a Recurly API key requires a Recurly user with a role that has the Integrations permission. If you are using the default roles, the Site Admin role has this permission already.

Create credentials

  1. Go to your Recurly dashboard and create an API key. This is under Integrations -> API Credentials.

  2. Click the Add Private API Key button. This will open a new page where you can configure the API Key. Add an appropriate name like Slicker and ensure the Read-Only checkbox is not selected.

    If the credentials are read-only, Slicker will not be able to retry failed transactions and recover revenue.

    It should look something like this.

  3. Click Save Changes and copy the generated key.

Create integration in Slicker

  1. Go to the Slicker’s new integration page.
  2. Select Recurly from the list of integrations.
  3. Give the integration a name and description to help you identify it later.
  4. Enter the API key you copied earlier.
  5. Enter the Recurly dashboard URL for your Recurly instance - for example, This will be useful when you need to navigate to the Recurly dashboard from Slicker.
  6. Click the Submit button to create the integration.


On integration creation, Slicker will attempt to connect to Recurly using the provided API key. If the connection fails, you will see an error message like the one below. Please double-check the API key, make sure it has the correct permissions, and try again.