
Slicker integrates with Stripe via an API key. Creating a Stripe API key requires a Stripe user enough permissions to do so. Stipe user roles that have this permission include Administrator, Super Administrator, and Developer.

(Option 1: Stripe Marketplace App) Integerate via the Stripe Marketplace

  1. Go to the Slicker App page in the Stripe Marketplace.
  2. Click on the Install button.
  3. Follow the instructions to authorize Slicker to access your Stripe account.
  4. Once authorized, you will be able to use click the Link button in the Slicker app page to link your Stripe account to your Slicker instance.

(Option 2: API Key) Create credentials

If you require the Whitelist Management feature, this section can be omitted since a Stripe Secret key will be required. This is needed since Stripe Radar lists cannot be modified via a Restricted Stripe key. Note that the Stripe Secret key gives a wide range of permissions which cannot be limited like with the Restricted Key.
  1. Go to the Stripe dashboard to create a new restricted API key here.

  2. Give the key a name like Slicker.

  3. For permissions select the following:

    • Read on All core resources
    • Read on All Connect resources
    • Read on All Reporting resources
    • Read on all Billing resources, with Write on Invoices.
      The Write permission on Invoices is required for Slicker to retry failed transactions and recover revenue.
  4. Click the Create key button. If prompted confirm your password. Copy the generated key - we will need it later.

(Option 2: API Key) Create integration in Slicker

  1. Go to the Slicker’s new integration page.
  2. Select Stripe from the list of integrations.
  3. Give the integration a name and description to help you identify it later.
  4. Enter the API key you copied earlier.
  5. Make sure to select this integration is for Stripe Billing. Otherwise, Slicker will only sync payment data, without managing failed billing attempts.
  1. Click the Submit button to create the integration.


On integration creation, Slicker will attempt to connect to Stripe using the provided API key. If the connection fails, you will see an error message like the one below. Please double-check the API key, make sure it has the correct permissions, and try again.